Federation  Internationale de  Futbol Assoc. (F.I.F.A.) Futsal Rules & MCCS By-Laws | All About Futsal (MS Word | 263K)
U.S. Soccer Federation (U.S.S.F) Official's Code of Ethics
Ryukyu International Soccer Association (RISA) MCCS Youth Soccer By-laws -- Camp Foster (MS Word | 77K)
U.S.S.F. Guide To Procedures For Referees, Assistant Referees and 4th  Officials Run out of those little ref score sheets?  (MS Word | 50K)
Advice To Referees (Adobe Acrobat File) 953K NFHS Official Soccer Signals
Referee's Pre-game Brief (Standard Instructions to AR) NFHS Soccer Field Diagram & Instructions for Scorer, ARs, Timer, etc.

Interested in becoming a Soccer Referee?

Contact Mr. Scott "Sam" Samdahl at 646-5678 or by e-mail: myadidas@konnect.net